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Healing from Divorce Trauma

Divorce is a massive life change that no one truly plans for, even if the signs are present for years.

You go into a marriage thinking it will last a lifetime, and suddenly, what you thought was forever comes to an unexpected and painful end.

The impact is generally overwhelming — not just emotionally, but practically too.

There are the obvious challenges:

The emotional weight of a breakup sometimes takes its toll on your self-esteem, and is fraught with the fear of single life.

·Enormous expenses related to logistics: Selling houses. Dividing assets. Hiring lawyers.

·If children are involved, the stakes are even higher. It’s a storm that can affect friends and family, too, leaving ripples that go far beyond just the two of you.

Until Death Do Us Part

Everything in life has a birth, a life, and an ending.

Relationships are no different. It’s true that sometimes people grow apart, or most likely issues from the past are activated within each partner or being a parent in ways we never anticipated.

We carry old wounds and unresolved struggles into relationships, and over time, these cause real friction.

Paying the Piper

Imagine a car that’s been driven for years — the more miles you put on it, the more wear and tear builds up.

If the issues between partners aren’t addressed, they back up, causing resentment, misunderstandings, and emotional / physical distance.

How to Heal

But there’s hope. Just as a car can be repaired, so too can relationships — if both people are willing to "clean up their side of the street."

That means taking responsibility for your part, understanding your triggers, and learning healthier ways to communicate. It’s not always easy, but it’s possible.

In some cases, though, the differences are just too vast to bridge. And if that's the case, divorce doesn’t have to be the end — it can be the beginning of a new chapter in your life.

A chapter where both people can heal, grow, and eventually find peace in their own way.

Divorce Trauma is Real

Nobody can prevent you from healing the wounds of your past that came before the marriage.

Healing divorce trauma is ALSO healing the wounds that led you to the marriage AND the breakup.

My preferred method of helping couples and individuals is to use hypnotic regression and a process called Havening to heal the old wounds in the mind as well as life coaching to discover new ways of relating to yourself and to others.

Together, these are very effective at healing the partners and often the relationship too.

Follow Up Resources

I have several self-hypnosis tracks on my YouTube channel to help.

Here’s the latest video: Healing from Divorce Trauma Hypnosis

You can also book an exploratory call here:


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